1. Nurse [n.] a person whose job is to take care of sick or injured people, usually in a hospital
2. ER (Emergency Room) [n.] the part of a hospital where people who need urgent treatment are taken
3. ICU (Intensive Care Unit) [n.] the part of a hospital that provides intensive care
4. Outpatient [n.] a person who goes to a hospital for treatment but does not stay there
5. Inpatient [n.] a person who stays in a hospital while receiving treatment
6. Pharmacy [n.] =drugstore
7. Pharmacist [n.] a person whose job is to prepare medicines and sell or give them to the public in a store or in a hospital
8. Physician [n.] a doctor, especially one who is a specialist in general medicine and not surgery
9. Surgeon [n.] a doctor who is trained to perform surgery (= medical operations that involve cutting open a person's body)
10. Surgery [n.] = operation : medical treatment of injuries or diseases that involves cutting open a person's body and often removing or replacing some parts; the branch of medicine connected with this treatment
11. Ward [n.] a separate room or area in a hospital for people with the same type of medical condition
12. Department [n.] a section of a large organization such as a government, business, university, etc.
13. Check-up [n.] an examination of something, especially a medical one to make sure that you are healthy ex. to go for/to have a check-up.
14. Recovery [n.] the process of becoming well again after an illness or injury ex. My father made a full recovery from the operation.
- Recover [v.] to get well again after being sick, hurt, etc.
ex. He's still recovering from his operation.
15. Neonatal [adj.] connected with a child that has just been born ex. the hospital's neonatal unit
16. Prescription [n.] an official piece of paper on which a doctor writes the type of medicine you should have, and that enables you to get it from a pharmacy
ex. The doctor gave me a prescription for antibiotics.
- Prescribe [v.] to tell somebody to take a particular medicine or have a particular treatment; to write a prescription for a particular medicine, etc.
ex. I've been prescribed painkillers.
17. IV [n.] =drip : a piece of equipment that passes liquid food, medicine, or blood very slowly through a tube
into a patient's vein
18. Disease [n.] an illness affecting humans, animals, or plants, often caused by infection ex. an infectious/contagious disease (= one that can be passed to someone very easily)
19. Treatment [n.] something that is done to cure an illness or injury, or to make someone look and feel good
- Treat [v.] to give medical care or attention to a person, an illness, an injury, etc. ex. She was treated for sunstroke.
20. Therapy [n.] the treatment of a physical problem or an illness ex. Most leukemia patients undergo some sort of drug therapy (= treatment using drugs).
21. Cure [v.] to make a person or an animal healthy again after an illness ex. Will you be able to cure him, doctor?
22. Heal [v.] to become healthy again; to make something healthy again ex. It took a long time for the wounds to heal.
23. Diagnose [v.] to say exactly what an illness or the cause of a problem is ex. She was diagnosed with/as having diabetes.
24. Diagnosis [n.] the act of discovering or identifying the exact cause of an illness or a problem ex. "What was the diagnosis?" "Arthritis in both joints."
25. A Sprained Ankle [n. phr.] a twisted ankle ex. I stumbled and sprained my ankle.
26. Fracture [n.] [v.] a break in a bone or other hard material ex. He suffered multiple fractures in a motorcycle accident.
27. Sterilize [v.] to make something completely clean and free from bacteria
ex. All equipment must be sterilized before use.
28. Acupuncture [n.] a Chinese method of treating pain and illness using special thin needles that are pushed into the skin in particular parts of the body
29. Herbal Medicine [n.] medicine made from herbs
30. Infection [n.] the act or process of causing or getting a disease ex. an ear infection
- infected [adj] containing harmful bacteria ex. The wound from the dog bite became infected.
31. Injection [n.] = shot : an act of injecting someone with a drug or other substance ex. to give someone an injection
- Inject [v.] ex. Phil's a diabetic and has to inject himself with insulin every day.
32. Antibiotics [n.] a medicine or chemical that can destroy harmful, bacteria in the body or limit their growth
ex. I'm taking antibiotics for a throat infection.
33. Eye Drops [n.] liquid medicine that can be put into the eyes
34. Ointment [n.] : a thick oily substance, usually containing medicine, which is put on the skin where it is sore or where there is an injury, in order to cure it
35. Asthma [n.] a medical condition of the chest that makes breathing difficult
36. Clinic [n.] a private hospital or one that treats health problems of a particular kind
37. Injury [n.] harm done to a person's or an animal's body, for example in an accident ex. There were no injuries in the crash (= no people injured).
- Injured [adj.] physically hurt; having an injury ex. Luckily, she isn't injured.
38. Quarantine [ n.] a period of time when an animal or a person that has or may have a disease is kept away from others in order to prevent the disease from spreading
ex. The dog was kept in quarantine for six months.
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