I. Bậc đại học
1. [Canada] University of Toronto - The Lester B. Pearson International Student Scholarships
Giá trị: toàn phần.
Các chuyên ngành: Psycholinguistics, Psychology, Psychology (Health Sciences Stream), Forensic Psychology.
Link: https://future.utoronto.ca/pearson/about/
2. [Canada] York University - President’s International Scholarship of Excellence
Giá trị: $180.000/ 4 năm.
Link: https://futurestudents.yorku.ca/your-application/how-apply/international-student#tab-tab4
3. [Canada] University of Alberta - President’s International Distinction Scholarship
Giá trị: $120.000/ 4 năm.
Các chuyên ngành: Psychology, Psychology and Mental Health
Link: https://www.ualberta.ca/en/admissions/tuition-and-scholarships/international-undergraduate-scholarships/index.html
4. Trent University
Giá trị: $136.000/ 4 năm.
Các chuyên ngành: Health & Well-Being, Psychological Development, Psychological Research Methods & Data Analysis, Behavioural & Cognitive Neuroscience, Psychology.
Link: https://www.trentu.ca/futurestudents/scholarships-tuition/international-scholarships-awards?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR3SVp1L0jbbGtWvPyHRg_ogdlo5lYT-YmM_GjLzXPZMlu5b7qSJxQVHaAY_aem_RUZxcKbFOJ9IHRXPMdba0A#
5. [Úc] University of Sydney
Giá trị: 100% học phí.
Link: https://www.sydney.edu.au/scholarships/e/sydney-international-undergraduate-academic-excellence-scholarship.html
6. [Úc] Monash University - K.C. Kuok Scholarship
Giá trị: $360.000/ 4 năm
Link: https://www.monash.edu/study/fees-scholarships/scholarships/find-a-scholarship/kc-kuok-scholarship-6073
7. Học bổng chính phủ Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ
Chọn ngành học, bậc học, ngôn ngữ học tại đây. İngilizce nghĩa là tiếng Anh:
8. [Úc] Deakin University
Giá trị: 20% học phí.
Ngành học: Psychological Science
9. [Anh] University of Dundee - Vietnam Scholarship
Giá trị: £10,000.
Các chuyên ngành: English and Psychology MA (Hons), Geography and Psychology MA (Hons), History and Psychology MA (Hons), Philosophy and Psychology MA (Hons), Politics and Psychology MA (Hons), Psychology with French BSc (Hons), Psychology with Spanish BSc (Hons), Psychology BSc (Hons), Psychology MA (Hons), Psychology with French MA (Hons), Psychology with Spanish MA (Hons), Business Economics with Marketing and Psychology MA (Hons), Mathematics and Psychology BSc (Hons).
Link: https://www.dundee.ac.uk/scholarships/vietnam-scholarship-january-2025#:~:text=Additional%20requirements,There%20are%202%20awards%20available.
10. [Anh] University of Leeds - UG Psychology International Excellence Scholarship
Giá trị: : £10,000.
11. [Anh] University of St Andrews - International Undergraduate Scholarship
Giá trị: : £10,000/ năm.
Link: https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/study/fees-and-funding/scholarships/scholarships-catalogue/undergraduate-scholarships/international-undergraduate-scholarship/
12. [Singapore] Đại học Nanyang
Giá trị: toàn phần.
ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship: https://www.ntu.edu.sg/admissions/undergraduate/scholarships/asean-scholarship
13. Đại học quốc gia Singapore
Giá trị: toàn phần.
14. Singapore Management Univeristy
Giá trị: toàn phần.
15. Học bổng Hiệp Định Hungary
II. Bậc thạc sĩ
1. [Hà Lan] Eric Bleumink Fund – Groningen University
Giá trị học bổng: toàn phần.
Học bổng áp dụng với tất cả các ngành tại đại học Groningen.
Các ngành tâm lý học:
Work, Organizational and Personnel Psychology, Applied Social Psychology, Clinical Neuropsychology, DDM Sustainability and Environmental Psychology, Applied Cognitive Neuroscience, Clinical Forensic Psychology and Victimology, Environmental Psychology, Theory and History of Psychology, Talent Development and Creativity
Link học bổng: https://www.rug.nl/education/scholarships/eric-bleumink-fund
2. [Hà Lan] Leiden University Excellence Scholarship (LExS)
Học bổng bán phần hoặc 100% học phí.
Các ngành: Child and Adolescent Psychology (MSc), Clinical and Health Psychology (research) (MSc), Clinical Neuropsychology (MSc), Clinical Psychology (MSc), Cognitive Neuroscience (research), Applied Cognitive Psychology, Developmental Psychology (research) (MSc), Economic and Consumer Psychology (MSc), Health and Medical Psychology (MSc), Methodology and Statistics in Psychology (MSc), Occupational Health Psychology (MSc), Psychology (MSc), Psychology (research) (MSc), Social and Economic Psychology (research), Social and Organisational Psychology (MSc), Transfusion Medicine and Cellular and Tissue Therapies (MSc)
Link học bổng: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/scholarships/sea/leiden-university-excellence-scholarship-lexs
3. [Hà Lan] Maastricht University NL-High Potential scholarship
Số lượng: 24.
Giá trị: € 30,000 (bao gồm học phí và sinh hoạt phí).
Các ngành: MSc Forensic Psychology, MSc Psychology: spec. Cognitive Neuroscience
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